To understand what is involved in achieving Ketosis, we first need to consider what the Keto Diet is, and what it isn’t. It isn’t Atkins. Traditionally, Atkins starts out just like the Keto diet. They both limit carbohydrates to 20–25 g per day. The difference is Atkins has you target a weight goal and taper up your carbohydrate allowance to 80–100 g per of Carbohydrates per day, where as Keto keeps you at 20–25 g constantly.
Sounds great! I was reminded of this watching an episode of Braniac, a rather crude YouTube channel. A recent episode on a diet of 90 days of bacon got me thinking. It’s not like as a vegetarian I want to go out and only eat Bacon and Lard for a season. But is there a vegetarian alternative to that while still being Keto?
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