The Green Pill Secret: Coping with Addiction

Addiction is a very serious topic, and, after all, quite scary for this Halloween episode. Sure, I could have chosen something less real, like skeletons or blood (but the CCS does give some of that aspect in this Spoopy character class I’m using) but tonight, we’re talking about Addiction. After all, there’s nothing more terrifying than the dark and deadly downward spiral that addiction brings.

The first thing I want to make quite clear is that: it’s not your fault! Addiction is a brain malfunction no different than any other malady in the DSM. You’re not yourself when you’re addicted, and those around you can only be there to support your recovery, but it’s up to you to want that recovery and rock bottom is almost always on that difficult path.

This week, my dear friend Shea Megale. joins me as my guest to discuss this very personal issue. You see, Shea lost their brother to addiction. They had to witness the downward spiral first-hand and their experience, I felt was critical for this episode and Shea delivered most eloquently and succinctly. Of course, that’s no surprise as Shea is also a fellow author who I met through The Hourlings.

As an author, Shea also wrote a book about their brother. An American Boy: The Opium Crisis and the Sister left Behind is a first-hand account of Shea’s experiences and I can’t recommend it enough!

Also, please check out the foundation Shea and her family set up to help fight addiction.

Finally, I feel I must bring up the topic typically banned on YouTube, that of suicide. Please know there are people there who can help, whether you’re addicted or just depressed and listless. Please phone the Suicide Hotline at 988; there are people here to help!

See you next week

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