Green Pill Secret: Life and Disability

This week, as we begin our winter season, I wanted to bring back my good friend Shea, who you may remember from our Coping with Addiction Episode. Of course they are a great guest and I was very eager to have them back on the show!

As you’ll find out in this episode, Shea has Muscular Dystrophy, which causes their muscles to be very weakened and thus it’s hard for them to accomplish common tasks an non-disabled person may take for granted. For instance, they’re confined to a wheelchair, though, to be honest, it’s a totally cool form of motion and carries all they need, and can take them to most places, including a show at Wolf Trap we enjoyed together earlier this year.

In this episode, however, we don’t talk about Star Wars: A New Hope. Instead, we’re here to talk about Shea’s novel, This is Not a Love Scene, all about a disabled teenager as she navigated he social and romantic life in a non-disabled world. I, personally, was very excited when this book came out, with a descent publishing company, having reviewed various chapters in The Hourlings writing group.

Will she find love? Well, we won’t spoil it for you in this episode but I definitely recommend checking out the book—when you’re through watching, of course!

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