Green Pill Secret: Invisibility

Last week I recorded an episode about Invisibility. Unfortunately, there was no Audio Pickup because it was getting the sound from a non-existent microphone so it was just 10 sunny minutes of silence. I even filmed a clip where I could edit the video to make me disappear when I said Invisibility; but alas, that wouldn’t have worked with a nighttime recording. Clearly, I couldn’t use that so I re-recorded it last night with new commentary now that President Trump has started his second term.

Anyway, I’ve decided to redo the episode and add commentary about DEI and reiterate the gender hierarchy. I know how, even if you are not a white, heteronormative, cis-white male, you may still feel discriminated against, such as a straight, American Woman of East Asian descent may feel that blacks are more covered and protected because of, for instance, school admission racial quotas, while she forgets that as a woman she’s suffering her own hidden oppression. Maybe she’d be fired before the black woman and the transwoman, but she totally forgets that she might have a dozen male coworkers who will likely be fired before her because the company doesn’t want to get sued for sexism.

The point being, we can all feel invisible and ignored by the system, be it because our computer is ignoring our audio in a recording, or we’re passed up for a job or a promotion, or we can’t get that third date. Or even, if a game you love is ending forever at noon today after it being the best game ever since the October 2024 update.

The Simpsons Tapped Out final splash screenEA for giving us nearly nearly 13 years of wonderful game play and in the last 4 months thank you so very much for turning a Freemium Game into a truly free game (I just wish I hadn’t just learned about it one week before the game ends)! The Simpsons: Tapped Out, rest in peace

Thanks again for watching and remember, you’re not invisible to me!

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