I was delighted to see Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy at today’s Herndon-Reston Indivisible meeting on Zoom. I first met Delegate Carroll Foy during my many years of trips to Richmond to lobby for the ERA. And Jennifer has been one of the best advocates we’ve had in the General Assembly. She has been a wonderful orator who gave an incredible speech in favor of the ERA last year as we were fighting for the ERA. And in the 2020 session of the General Assembly, it was Jennifer who submitted HJR 1, the ERA bill.
I was, of course, there on 27 January 2020 when Jennifer held a press conference announcing that would be the day both chambers of the General Assembly would be voting on the legislation passed by the other chamber and thus ratify the ERA in Virginia, making us 38 and the last state needed for passage.

Unfortunately, after the press conference, I got a little lost so wasn’t able to make it to our amazing photo on the stairs that day. Instead, I made my way to the House and Senate conference rooms where the General Assembly was being broadcast. I joined some of my fellow ERA advocates in the House Meeting Room 3. The House of Delegates was busy debating a number of bills and eventually I needed to use the facilities.
On my way back, I peeked in in the Virginia Senate in Senate Meeting Room 3. They were debating Jennifer’s HJR 1! I rushed back to the House Meeting Room and let everyone know it was happening in the Senate. We all rushed over and watched it live, as it happened. As Virginia became the 38th and final state to pass the ERA. We did it! We made history! And, all thanks to Jennifer’s HJR1!
As my readers know, I have long advocated for the adoption of the Equal Rights Amendment, but I am happy to hear Jennifer supports many of the other issues I care deeply about. That is why, without hesitation, I am happy to support Jennifer as she announces her bid to become the next Governor of Virginia!
Be well my lady and gentlemen friends!
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