Green Pill Secret: Invisibility

Last week I recorded an episode about Invisibility. Unfortunately, there was no Audio Pickup because it was getting the sound from a non-existent microphone so it was just 10 sunny minutes of silence. I even filmed a clip where I could edit the video to make me disappear when I said Invisibility; but alas, that wouldn’t have worked with a nighttime recording. Clearly, I couldn’t use that so I re-recorded it last night with new commentary now that President Trump has started his second term.

Anyway, I’ve decided to redo the episode and add commentary about DEI and reiterate the gender hierarchy. I know how, even if you are not a white, heteronormative, cis-white male, you may still feel discriminated against, such as a straight, American Woman of East Asian descent may feel that blacks are more covered and protected because of, for instance, school admission racial quotas, while she forgets that as a woman she’s suffering her own hidden oppression. Maybe she’d be fired before the black woman and the transwoman, but she totally forgets that she might have a dozen male coworkers who will likely be fired before her because the company doesn’t want to get sued for sexism.

The point being, we can all feel invisible and ignored by the system, be it because our computer is ignoring our audio in a recording, or we’re passed up for a job or a promotion, or we can’t get that third date. Or even, if a game you love is ending forever at noon today after it being the best game ever since the October 2024 update.

The Simpsons Tapped Out final splash screenEA for giving us nearly nearly 13 years of wonderful game play and in the last 4 months thank you so very much for turning a Freemium Game into a truly free game (I just wish I hadn’t just learned about it one week before the game ends)! The Simpsons: Tapped Out, rest in peace

Thanks again for watching and remember, you’re not invisible to me!

The Green Pill Secret: Unemployment

This week, I wanted to give you all an update on my status. TLDR: I’m still unemployed. I don’t know when or if I will ever be able to work again but I’m not giving up hope and I still have 8 weeks of funding to tide me over before I have to start digging into monies I was trying to avoid.

But, I created this podcast for you, and I want my experiences to help you because maybe you’re unemployed too. If you can move in with mom and/or dad, consider it! I know it’s a step backward but sometimes you need to take a step back to move forward and there’s no shame in using the rental saving so help you cut costs and live more economically. No shame at least in asking!

And remember, I’m here for you, so please reach out if you need emotional support as you deal with disappointment. Take care and I hope you can spare 10 minutes to see this week’s episode:

The Green Pill Secret: The Answer (Part 2)

This week we continue answering viewer questions with the most important question of all: why me? Why waste your time listening to my 10-minute videos when you have so many other great channel to listen to? Well, this week, Imma tell you a little bit about my own life’s story so you can understand why I’m here, why I care, and why I want to help: because I’ve experienced what you’re experiencing. And that’s more than I can say about the dozens of men on top. They could care less about you and your concerns!

The Green Pill Secret: The Answer (42), Part 1

The week, I wanted to answer some recent viewer questions about the channel and what it’s about and why I pour my heart into it. In the first part, I address what it’s not. It is not a cult. The name The Green Pill Secret isn’t a new get rich quick scheme or cult like the Red Pill cult, nor is it a get women fast and easy channel like the black pill cult. What it is as a scientific, bayesian approach to life which welcome constructive criticism and is opened to change, led by a total nobody who is very, quite frankly, on the whole of it, relatively unlikeable character. But, who better to talk to the invisible, the forgotten, the relatively ignored millions who feel they don’t matter?

Green Pill Secret: Chasing Likes

This week I was inspired to write an episode about superficiality. Specifically, I realized the channel lost a subscriber and one of my episodes garnered a dislike. The thing is, I don’t at this time have that many subscribers and honestly, yes, I’d like more, but I don’t want to do it the quick and easy way. No, I want to create substance and meaning in my content and I’m not looking for the quick like. Indeed, I don’t want praise for praise sake and I’d much rather have Constructive Criticism which will make this channel better.

After all, someone recently suggested to me that my single-person episodes were a bit boring as they didn’t have two camera editing. That’s why I’m trying the new style of single-person production, even though it took much longer.

Also, if you’d like to learn more about Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age, by Yuval Noah Harari, feel free to join me at my next Science Book Club meeting, where we will be discussing this book with folks who read it.

Truth be known, though, the original recording of this episode was corrupted and ended up being a 10 minute episode stretched to 6 hours. Needless to say, I had to re-record the episode which is what I give you here!

Green Pill Secret: Life and Disability

This week, as we begin our winter season, I wanted to bring back my good friend Shea, who you may remember from our Coping with Addiction Episode. Of course they are a great guest and I was very eager to have them back on the show!

As you’ll find out in this episode, Shea has Muscular Dystrophy, which causes their muscles to be very weakened and thus it’s hard for them to accomplish common tasks an non-disabled person may take for granted. For instance, they’re confined to a wheelchair, though, to be honest, it’s a totally cool form of motion and carries all they need, and can take them to most places, including a show at Wolf Trap we enjoyed together earlier this year.

In this episode, however, we don’t talk about Star Wars: A New Hope. Instead, we’re here to talk about Shea’s novel, This is Not a Love Scene, all about a disabled teenager as she navigated he social and romantic life in a non-disabled world. I, personally, was very excited when this book came out, with a descent publishing company, having reviewed various chapters in The Hourlings writing group.

Will she find love? Well, we won’t spoil it for you in this episode but I definitely recommend checking out the book—when you’re through watching, of course!

Green Pill Secret: Leaving Home

As we close out another season of the Green Pill Secret, we wanted to go out with some hope of a greater future. Yesterday, I got a call from an employer who wanted to offer me a job in San Antonio, and while the pay would be less, so would the cost of living, and when I quitted my last job I celebrate change. And after being scammed, I’m kind of itching to get out of the DMV and all its lack of romantic opportunities.

All that said, I got a letter from the FAA extending my license through 2025 and I’m sure as heck going to continue my studies when I get down there!

And I can continue running the Science Book Club and Reston Writers and Doctor Who Anonymous from there thanks to Zoom, as well as attend my Westminster Astronomical Society meetings, as I did from Austin last April.

So, it looks like (with all due respect to The Beatles) He’s Leaving Home, bye bye!

Green Pill Secret: Romance Scams

The thing about life is, sometimes it gives you lemons and you’re allergic to lemonade. For instance, although the date on this post is the right date, I am only able to write it 48 hours later, which allows me to tell you not just about the frightful topic but also why my telling you about it has been so hard.

First and foremost as viewers of the podcast will know, my dear friend and co-host Cat will be going under the knife to hopefully resolve their neck issues this Thursday and I for one am concerned for my friend and their overall recovery. However, I am confident that they will at some point be returning to the show but most of all I am hopeful for my friend’s swift recovery.

That said, I wasn’t able to secure an alternate co-host for my Romance Scams discussion. I had a wonderful discussion with one of my neighbors who talked a lot about fake male profiles, typically in their twenties, and in uniform, running the typical romance scam. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to schedule a time when she could appear so I did this one, and likely the next one and the last December episode solo. But, I do have something special planned for the Winter Solstice!

Meanwhile, on the job front, my next employment seems to be further delayed and I might not be working until after Christmas. As usual, I refuse to look at as a setback but rather I see it as a wonderful Christmas gift as I head into 2025.

I’ve also been flying recently but my instruction has been forestalled because my fundamentals are still quite rusty. So, while I’m still unemployed, I’m focusing my day-to-day work in studying the PHAK and AFH. I found a great channel on YouTube by Philip J Murphy. The recitations are a little dry, but I find the contents quite educational. I personally think my instructor is a little annoyed with me being so rusty, so I hope the next time I’m able to schedule a flight, I’m able to show great progress. Hopefully, I’ll finish before my FAA license expires on 31 December. I have submitted an extension to the FAA, but I don’t expect the new license to be issued before mid February.

But, the big thing I am most thankful for is that I’ve reconnected with my brother. For the last year, my brother has eschewed my contact, and ghosted me because he went off his meds. His Breton, now ex-wife reached out when he was at his darkest and fortunately we were all able to convince him to get the help he needed, since he filed a medical directive to prevent anyone from helping him save himself.

Now, he has the right meds, is stable with his work, and able to live in his now empty house. He reached out just after Thanksgiving and we made hummus together thanks to his home-made recipe. It was delicious. After we ate and caught up, he made me a custom batch with extra garlic. Yum!

Suffice it to say, I’ve been busy. But, I was able to record an episode in time, right before my semi-annual toastmasters training. I missed the last day of the Reston Farmers’ Market Market and my weekly workout but I had the episode recorded and submitted to YouTube with an hour to spare, at 07:30 on Wednesday. Finally, I clicked to schedule it, and set the schedule for 08:30, which is the time we normally would have released this episode. Only, I got the day wrong as it was supposed to be 7 December, not 8 December! D’oh!

So, I submitted the episode, went to the Toastmasters training, met a beautiful friend from the last Toastmasters social event I was at, hurt my arm, and then rushed home.

Unfortunately, there was no time to check on the episode because my poorly-fitting Airpods fell in my iced tea while I was smiling and eating during my Maryland Science Book Club meeting last Wednesday.

When I went to the apple store to complain, they said just buy a new set of headphones. I tried on a different set but let me just say apple earphones are the worst designed earphones ever built! Sure, the ATMOS sound is cool, but what good is an earphone if it can’t even stay in your ear when you have the temerity to even smile! I mean, isn’t apple just making their 1984 Commercial a reality? Apple is making you constantly frown while you listen to their airpods while a real, professional earphone maker, like Shure, is in skimpy shorts and tossing something and Tim Cook droning on and on and preventing you from even smiling. Touché, apple. I see you!

The point being, my new earphones were scheduled for arrival on Saturday and I spend the time after the training working with the concierge for the missing package to no avail. Since my Denon AV Receiver broke after a power cut just before Thanksgiving and I knew I could replace it with a Black Friday discount. The unit arrived and I lugged it all the way up the 16 flights of stairs because I need to be fitter if I want to attract women. However, I wanted to test the audio out of the old receiver to confirm it was the receiver and not the speakers. Since the Shure earphones are optionally wired, I was able to confirm the receiver was dead and I bought a label maker to perform the rewiring.

I will say the climbing of 16 flight, or 40 flight if I move to the apartment across the street, even if they made the most awesome flat a three-bedroom well outside of my budget. I still need to figure out if I want West-only or South-East exposure and my dilly-dallying is my way of saying I’m willing to forsake either while I consider my job situation.

Okay, I seem to have lost my train of thought again. Maybe I’ll talk more about how I have two red flags against me because I’m bald and not six-foot tall. Meaning, women already have a lot of good reasons to reject me and why I’m mainly attracting scammers and lower quality women. I’ll leave it at that, as I want to talk about Hypergamy in a different episode.

Anyway, I was unable to get the earphones after the training, and then I had a Tesla Light Show event with the Maryland Tesla owners. We got 190 cars for our part of the display in the Christmas lightshow. I have video from both up close and on a hill, though on the hill the audio is somewhat messed up because people were talking near the camera.

After that, I had a special neighbor party organized by an absolutely gorgeous women who is a good friend but is very much not in any way, shape, or from attracted to me and is utterly disgusted by the prospect. Did I mention Hypergamy?

Thus, I wasn’t able to confirm the video uploaded all day Saturday, and had some things to take care of on Sunday so I wasn’t able to see until last night that it was posted and it wasn’t until now that I could write this long updating post to you. If you read this far, I thank you. Now, go enjoy the episode where I talk all about how I, personally, was scammed.

The Green Pill Podcast: Seeing the Doctor, Part 2

Last week we brought you stories of bad Doctor visits, like to Devil’s End, Auderly House, Seaspite base, or U.N.I.T. HQ… oops, I mean stores of doctors behaving badly.

In any case, this week, we return to our conversation and discuss Cat‘s work as a Medical Performer known as a Standardized Patient. Cat and I are very proud of their work, especially if only to prevent nonetheless brilliant diagnostic physicians like Dr. Gregory House [not Holmes], living at 221 Baker Street, in apartment B, and with best friend oncologist Dr. James Wilson [not Watson].

In fact, having seen many clips on YouTube, and being a huge fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle‘s work, and having a subscription to Peacock, I decided to watch the entire House series. Also, as a huge fan of Blackadder, a show which Dr. House keeps on his DVR—that Dr. House is a dead ringer for Hugh Laurie from that series! Overall, I very much enjoyed the series and the rotating cast of characters, though when House goes nuts and ruins his boss’s first post-breakup date, the shark has been jumped. I mean, the takedown of the narcissistic cop in series 3 was just funny, but what happens in series 8 was just creepy. But, I won’t spoil it any more than that. It’s a fun ride and I much encourage it!

But before you start binging House, and then “A Bit” of Fry and Laurie, please check out this week’s episode!

The Green Pill Podcast: Seeing the Doctor, Part 1 OR Update on my watching Doctor Who from the beginning 61st Anniversary Edition

This week, Cat and I return with a special 2-part series on Seeing the Doctor.. We both discuss our various doctor visits and experiences and of course we have to talk about the elephant in the room. Some doctors are just absent any form of bedside manner, especially when it comes to women patients and dismissing symptoms, especially pain. Nothing exemplifies this more than the famous Golden Girls scene where Dorothy Zbornak (played by the late, great, and then there’s Bea Arthur) when she confronts a dismissive doctor who ignores her clear set of symptoms for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Meanwhile, I wanted to give an update with respect to my Doctor Who rewatch. I’m currently in the Jon Pertwee and thoroughly enjoyed watching The Dæmons (I have a bit of a crush on that Olive Hawthorn) and the ghostly apparitions from Day of the Daleks (which has the wrong Dalek voices—sorry Nick, shows light beams on weapons which are literally described as sonic, and I miss the camp visuals!) around Halloween. I enjoyed seeing the Royal Navy (I and the BBC thank you! But Doctor, are you telling me the Silurians evolved in the Age of Mammals? Is that much better than the Age of Molluscs?) base where The Sea Devils was shot during Veterans’ Day, and on Monday, in keeping with the 61st Anniversary today, I’ll begin me rewatch of The Three Doctors (the last live appearance of William Hartnell as the Doctor and of course it’s great to see Patrick Troughton return since his last story last Summer) ! I could not have asked for a better synergy between stories and real life!

Anyway, enough about the Doctor, on to this week’s episode!