The Green Pill Podcast: Bear vs. Bro

You’ve no doubt heard the hue and cry from women all over the Internet exploding with memes and comments saying without a doubt they’d choose meeting the bear in the woods rather than the bloke.

As gentlemen, we need to hold our hurt back. There is only one thing we can do with respect to women honestly confessing their concerns over strange men, and that is to be an ally, standing up, promising that if we see something, we will say something and we will not let all the things women are afraid of, from that strange man, continue.

After all, that strange man could be a rapist, a molester, a thief, a bully, a violent thug, a leering creep, or almost anything. And the bear, well, that bear doesn’t care about you, or may even be afraid of us 2-leggers with their noisy sticks that they call rifles. Believe me, most bears just want to do bear things and leave us humans alone. Only if you approach it, or get between a momma bear and her cub, will you likely see violence from our furry ursine forest creature.

When you keep all those things in mind, is it any wonder why many women choose the bear?

But, you may ask, did I just say many? Don’t I mean all? No, that’s the fallacy. In truth, many women have experienced misogyny or violence or sexually violence from men. They know in their core that, that man in the forest could be just like her abuser. Survivors certainly understand why the bear is safer. But, for women, they have lived a happier life, with their only male interactions being positive and beneficial. For them, men are safe, and will choose the man, especially if they don’t think the bear is.

My therapist and I had a nice discussion about this, and she agrees that women are valid for choosing bear, but for her, a man is safer because she has had a very good life. And she understands that, it’s no different than when we dismiss race without consideration of their struggle just because we don’t personally do racist things.

Now, if you’re an INCEL, you’re probably reading this and making it about your struggles. Cut that out. I get it, it’s hard when you spend your life working up the courage to ask out a girl, only to be repeatedly rejected, and here the women are saying you’re part of the problem and she’d rather be with a bear than you. I understand why this hurts. I understand why you feel this is just more of the narrative of women stepping on men and treating us as second-class citizens. But we’re not!

And this isn’t about you. We have a whole episode on Loneliness and I suggest you watch that before you go claiming vindication from some bear meme because believe me, you have missed the point if you still feel this way. This is a case of women speaking up and being honest about their struggles with awful men, men like those Red Pill and Black Pill folks who see women as commodities to be bartered and traded. Women are people, and they are suffering. Please listen to them, listen to how scary we men are to them, and join me in fixing that by being better men, hearing women, and understanding why many choose the bear.

And those are the bear necessities!

The Green Pill Podcast: Gender Fluidity

Folks, over the years as a man who in his 20s was lonely and could not get a date to save his life, I feel for the 15–29 year-olds of today. And, while I didn’t have The Matrix or the concept of the Red Pill back then, with much alarm I’ve seen these concepts and the shinier Black Pill concepts rise up to mislead the hearts and minds of my younger brothers-from-another.

What distresses me most is the misogynistic vitriol of the INCEL movement and I weep. For years I was in a situation which deprived me of marital bliss, where I wasn’t getting to do the things we all assumed married couples did. But, I never saw this as anything but a mismatched needs hierarchy. I was not doing what I wanted, but I was never an INCEL as currently defined. Indeed, now that I’m divorced, I really don’t have any more physical, enthusiastically consensual intimacy than I want, and only accept such intimacy with that enthusiastic consent, so I’m certainly not suffering anymore in that respect. That said, I remember what it was like, and I sympathy—but I don’t contonde the conclusions of those claiming access to the metaphorical Red Pill.

Red Pill addicts don’t see women as anything more than servile, less-than-human people, to put it as politely as I can. They break the world into Chads and Betas, and complain that Chads magically get all the women, leaving nothing for the Betas, which they all claim to be. They often suggest sexual assault as fair play, which isn’t just disgusting, it’s evil! Enthusiastic Consent isn’t impossible and if you wait for it, you’ll enjoy the experience so much more, and even better, she will no doubt have enjoyed it enthusiastically too—she will most certainly consider inviting you back. But, feeling entitled isn’t going to get you anywhere, and there is another way. Ditch the Red Pill, my friends!

Then, there’s the Black Pill. The black pill folks aren’t as bad as the Red Pill ones, but they still commodify women, and see them as less-than-human. People like Andrew Tate try to promote this “better path”, where men are men, and women are there to be conquered. But, this is just red pill dynamics like lipstick on a pig. Sure, no-one is suggesting sexual assault in those circles, but they are seeing women as non-sovereign and unworthy of making their own decisions. That is just too bitter a pill to swallow, and they can’t support enthusiastic consent because it doesn’t see women as being able to give consent, it sees them as obliged—or exited, moving on to the next, like it’s all a game. It’s again dehumanizing.

Instead, my dear friend Cat Smith and I propose a different way—a Green Pill way. A way which allows you to be on the masculine side, but still recognize that women are people with feelings and emotions and their desires, at a fundamental level, are no different than yours. And after all, Gender is just stupid!

I hope you will enjoy our first episode of the Green Pill Podcast, and please, like, subscribe, and share! And, Happy Solstice!