Tesla OS 2020.12.11.1

Tesla OS 2020.12.11.1

As I went to bed last night, I decided to check #CO2Fre to see if there were any Tesla Operating System Updates. TeslaFi sends me emails when a new TeslaOS is found in the wild, so I had a feeling I might be due for another update. I was not disappointed. Just before bed, I set #CO2Fre to update. After the update finished, I had Tesla OS 2020.12.11.1, and the 01:00 charge began.

I was eager to see what the new TeslaOS would bring. Alas, technically, it was nothing new. I’m guessing it may be internal improvements to Stop at Stop Signs, but since I can’t test that—or the DashCam viewer, it’s kind of moot. Nonetheless, pretty cool to get a new TeslaOS.

Stop at Stop Signs
This is the same message from Tesla OS 2020.12.5 and it’s unchanged in 2020.12.11.1. Still, can’t wait to try out the automatic stopping at stop signs and stop lights. © 2020 Jeffrey C. Jacobs

Overall, I was happy with the update and I want to share a screen capture of the release notes, even if they’re unchanged. I then wanted to share version number page just to confirm I was upgraded. I didn’t think much of it but then I was startled by a field I hadn’t noticed.

Tesla OS 2020.12.11.1
New Tesla Software, version 2020.12.11.1. The release notes are unchanged. Note though, the Premium Connectivity! Yes, I purchased #CO2Fre in Bergen, Norway, on the tram, at 10:59 AM 24 May 2018, meaning I have Premium Connectivity for Life! © 2020, Jeffrey C. Jacobs

I never noticed before that I also had the Premium Connectivity package. I was unsure what that was, so I looked it up. And that’s when I was astounded.

You see, I purchased #CO2Fre in Bergen, Norway. I was on holiday and was checking my email as I was waiting for the Cable Car to the top of the Ulriken. I had delayed ordering #CO2Fre despite getting the option in April, because I wanted all-wheel drive. So, that morning, I spotted an email from 01:48:06 local time, which was 16:48:06 Pacific Daylight Time, and, nine hours later, I was seeing it.

I didn’t hesitate. I clicked the button to order and elected every premium option. I waited this long, I wanted #CO2Fre to be fully loaded. When I was finished, it was 10:59:16 local time, or 01:59.16 Pacific Daylight, Thursday, 24 May. Ironically, I ordered the car, in a sense, minutes after receiving it when adjusted for time zone.

In any case, the point is I ordered #CO2Fre before 30 June, 2018, meaning, it seems, I qualify for Lifetime Premium Connectivity.

That’s awesome, as that means I can watch as much Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and RiffTrax as I like on Twitch, ready for anytime I’m stuck at a Free V3 SuperCharger. And when I’m done with filling up on lifetime complementary fuel, I can get back to cruising on the cloud.