Congressional candidate Vangie Williams, Evelyn BruMar, Susheela Varky, our next Governor, Jennifer Carroll Foy, and my dear friend and survivor Lisa Sales all hosted a special panel yesterday on Domestic and Sexual Violence. I was not able to attend live but this issue is very dear to me, and I wanted to share it with my readers.

If you can, please open up your hearts and help the women (and men) who are in danger. Check in with your loved ones, your friends, anyone you think needs to hear from you.
And please watch their conversation to help you stay safe, and how to get help. You’re not alone.
Domestic and Sexual Abuse amid the COVID-19 CrisisThis is a Zoom Panel Discussion regarding “Domestic and Sexual Abuse amid the COVID-19 Crisis.”
Posted by Vangie Williams for Congress on Friday, April 24, 2020
Great panel, my friends, let’s get the Domestic Abuse Czar, and happy to help with the app Lisa!
Be safe my lady and gentlemen friends!