The Green Pill Podcast: Long-Term Relationships

In our podcast we often talk about issues around dating. This is mainly because we expect our audience to be still rather youthful and still finding themselves out and we want to be here to help you guys do that. But, life isn’t just about body counts and statistics. Indeed, there’s nothing more fulfilling, more oxytocin inducing than a long-term relationship. Even intimate relationships are improved when you know your partner like the back of your hand.

Long-Term relationships come in many forms. The most common and well-known form is of course marriage, be it between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, or a man and a man. I, personally was happily married for 18 years and the marriage only ended when SARS-CoV-2 struck and all that time together caused us to move apart. I still consider my ex to be one of my best friends though, and neither of us hold animosity toward the other for desolving the union. I consider myself quite fortunate in that respect.

But, the thing is, what I have with my ex is still a long-term relationship, it’s just one of the more powerful connecter of friendship. Long-Term friendships are the best and being able to have those conversations without speaking can be a quite deep conversation.

If, however, you’re both interested in something more than friendship, but not yet ready for marriage, there are still institutions and protocols which can bind two—or more (always with ENM!)—people in a loving, Long-Term relationship. Whether it be living together, civil union, common-law marriage, or just a casual, 6-month relationship, having the longevity brings stability, understanding, and peace. There is, after all, nothing wrong with aspiring to be or be with a Tradwife.

That said, be mindful of your own self-worth. There are people out there who will use and abuse you, and not all long-term relationships are healthy. If you’re being physically and/or emotionally abused, there are people out there who can help you restore to you some common human dignity.

Nonetheless, despite the risks, long-term relationships are worth it, and every second with your partner(s) is all that much better with someone to share! So, why not share in the discussion?

Domestic and Sexual Abuse amid the COVID-19 Crisis

Congressional candidate Vangie Williams, Evelyn BruMar, Susheela Varky, our next Governor, Jennifer Carroll Foy, and my dear friend and survivor Lisa Sales all hosted a special panel yesterday on Domestic and Sexual Violence. I was not able to attend live but this issue is very dear to me, and I wanted to share it with my readers.

Family Violence & Sexual Assault
If you need help in the commonwealth, please 1-800-838-8238. It’s Free, Confidential, and available 24/7

If you can, please open up your hearts and help the women (and men) who are in danger. Check in with your loved ones, your friends, anyone you think needs to hear from you.

And please watch their conversation to help you stay safe, and how to get help. You’re not alone.

Domestic and Sexual Abuse amid the COVID-19 Crisis

This is a Zoom Panel Discussion regarding “Domestic and Sexual Abuse amid the COVID-19 Crisis.”

Posted by Vangie Williams for Congress on Friday, April 24, 2020

Great panel, my friends, let’s get the Domestic Abuse Czar, and happy to help with the app Lisa!

Be safe my lady and gentlemen friends!

Sheltered in Place with a Domestic Abuser?

One of my absolute biggest concerns with SARS-CoV-2 and the new Shelter in Place order from Governors Ralph Northam and Larry Hogan. Virginia Executive Order 55, and the similar executive order in Maryland, is that what’s being asked is that victims of domestic abuse are required to stay at their primary residence with the abuser who is sequestered with her (or him).

Okay, let me be frank, domestic abuse is mainly a problem women suffer from some very bad men. And Domestic Abuse can be both physical and psychological/emotional. Mainly, what I mean here is physical abuse and most physical abuse is, as I said, committed by men against women. This needs to stop!

As for emotional abuse, trust me, some men suffer from this as well as women and although emotional abuse must always take a lower priority to physical abuse, the women and men who are being psychologically abused are nonetheless equally forced into a situation where normally, an abuser would be away at work for most of the day, he is now home 24/7.

Physical abuse is thus my greatest concern by far, as physical abuse can be deadly. This is why I’m focusing on that. Please, ladies, know that you’re not alone. If your husband or live-in boyfriend is threatening you or hurting you or you’re in any way in danger, please, find a safe place and call the Domestic Abuse hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or text LOVEIS to 22522. They are aware of the dangers the Shelter in Place orders will cause and they can help.

The Domestic Abuse Hotline statement on SARS-CoV-2. They’re here to help. If you’re in trouble and afraid, please give them a call.

There are people who care. There are people who can help. Stay safe my lady friends!